Oh there is some really cool stuff we can't wait to show you, just a little teaser...
Our new site sign means we are just a few days away from throwing open the doors for you to see what we've been cooking up inside. Sign sure has generated a lot of arm waving, neck craning, and general gesticulating... I can see you all from my office!
End of a really long day this big black crow landed on the roof and gave me a hearty caaaww as I was walking out to go home, sounded like an atta boy to me, thanks mr bird, I needed that.
Experimenting with wildflower mixes along Pt White Drive side of Roost Site, just for the beauty of it! Walk by and check it out, new surprising colors appearing each week...
Bocce court is in! Roost residents are prepping to bowl on their brand new court. Thanks Sergio & crew for the hard work, everyone loves it.
Welcome to our new Roost website! Lots going at the site this week, were prepping for GRAND OPENING of our MODEL TOWNHOUSE UNIT next SUNDAY JUNE 30th, 2p-6p. See you then, it will surely be a party.